Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Embracing Pinterest


There has been a lot of buzz lately about Pinterest and most people that have Pinterest accounts claim that they are addicted, and happily so.  Millions log on everyday just so that they can drop down the rabbit hole into a world that is stylish, tasty, wonderful, and Pinterest perfect. In case you’ve been under a rock or perhaps spending all your time on Facebook here is a quick primer:
  • One of the fastest growing social sites , www.pinterest.com is a site filled with inspiring and interesting images
  • Once you join, which is by invitation only, you can create your own customizable boards where you can organize and share photos by “pinning” them.
  • Pinned photos automatically go to a national board where friends and those unknown to you can repin them onto their own personal boards.
It really is beautifully simple and very accessible and did I mention addicting?  So let me state the obvious; it’s a wonderful tool for creative self promotion!  Interior Designers and Photographers were the first to embrace Pinterest to  showcase their work. We are starting to see other businesses with a Pinterest presence; retailers ranging from Macy’s to The Vitamin Shoppe have boards. The stats so far show it to be well worth the time that it takes to create boards and add content on a regular basis.
KEEPCALMThe WOW! Factor of Atlanta sees the value of Pinterest participation as well! We love to share images of our events as well as images that inspire our events. Our followers can see recipes that we use and recommend and get ideas for their own entertaining. But this isn’t just a one way street! We peruse Pinterest to get ideas, to tap into trends that our clients will embrace, and to find inspiration. It really is a great source for creative ideas and muse-like inspiration. We’ll be interested to see how far this site goes as a social phenomena and how far it raises the bar.